Sunday, March 9, 2008

Is all this really necessary?

Taxes. Why is it that the local citizens give the government carte blanche when it comes to taking our money? I have found that the governments take under the guise of "public good" when very little of it manifests in any way that can be seen as public good. Granted we need schools, roads, in-frastructure and, nationally a strong military, but enough is enough.
It strikes me as odd that when a local, state, or federal agency wants to do something and there is no money, the taxes go up. When I need a pay raise, I have to beg for one and then if it is granted, get the barest minimum just to make me happy.
Our state has a $900,000,000 surplus. That is enough money to give each person in Arkansas a rebate of $1,500. The state sat down last year, projected the budget, which is the money the legislature said they needed to provide services at the current level and adjusted departmental budgets to fit. Low and behold, the tax revenues were nine hundred million dollars more than they said they needed. If I get extra money in my paycheck, I can bet you that I will be required to pay the money back. Well it is time we demand our money back. The state got overpaid. Many states and locals got overpaid. We as taxpayers need to demand our money back. We need to remind the governments that they work for us, not the other way around. Fight any tax increase. Vote no on any bond issue, tax issue or millage increase. Say no to the politicians that use "it's for the children", "it's for our future" or any other pull for our money.
Thats it. I doubt anything will change, but who knows. If enough of us say, "NO MORE", than maybe, just maybe it will.

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