Monday, March 17, 2008

climate change?

I am now paying $9 for one chicken. Why? Because we are turning our food into fuel. Corn has been chosen by Al Gore as the fuel of choice. Without any background in the science of alternative fuels, corn was chosen because the corn lobby and the large corn farms saw a way to increase their profits. I am sure if a hard search is done, one can follow a money trail from the corn growers associations right to Al's bank account. This man is dangerous. Since his affectivness was marginalized after the 2000 election, he has struggled to find a voice. He took new, emerging data about a tempurature increase and turned it into the biggest scam in the past 50 years. He has turned a deaf ear to any contradictory data, lableing new data as junk science and persisited in perpatrating this farce on the world. Our basic costs of living are going up due to the head long rush into going green, without any study or experimentation into the causes and effects. In his mind, the ends justify the means.
We are being inundated daily with public service announcements telling us how easy it is to "go green". Change a light bulb. Turn off the water when brushing our teeth. That one is good. Every American can save 750 gallons of water by turning off the tap? Wash clothes in cold water, reducing carbon emmisions by 700+tons a year. Show me the proof. Statements are made without any backing and we are supposed to just buy this.
Americans questioned the decisions of the '60s. Today we accept what we are told? Not me. Not today. Question what we are told. Ask why, how, and show me the proof of what you are saying, don't just tell me.

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